I remember when i went to peru this past summer, I was in a smaller town called Agua Caliente. As i was walking the streets i heard a group of little kids, around age 7 or 8 playing in the street alleyways. They were playing rock paper scissors. They had it worked out like a championship, and whenever the winner won, he put his head up against a wall and started counting, "uno, dos tres, quatro, cinco..". I realized kids are kids no matter where you go. Culture hasn't hit them yet, and they are still natural humans trying to find happiness, which is very human.

We are all human. We all have good intentions. We all have human feelings. We all laugh. We all cry. We all play. We are all humans. Why not treat everyone like your best friend? You know them, so Why not? This is what i've learned. What a wonderful world we live in.
A couple months ago, i spontaneously went into aaron turley's apartment waking him up, telling him , "get packed, were going camping today" , "isn't it supposed to snow?" , "yeah, doesn't matter"
So we left that day, and i didn't bring a sleeping bag, nor a tent, nor a stove, nor a water purifier. My goal was to eat and drink and sleep. Well to make a long story short, we found some blm land right by the snake river and it was beautiful! we called it the kitchen! We saw baldhead eagles, hawks, moose, muskrat, geese, and more that i can't remember. There were meadows into meadows with streams intertwining everywhere between a slough and a big river. We survived, and at the end of day 2, aaron and I were talking about what we learned. We learned many things but two impacted me a lot.
One was about society. Society allows you to do what you want to do more than what you don't want to do, while everyone else do the things you don't want to do. It works perfectly. Say you love working with computers, but hate working on a farm. Well then work on computers more, and trade that skill for the food from the farmers through something called money! it's so obvious, but the most important thing in life is happiness. fun is nice, but happiness is worth more. In order to get happiness from society, you have to find out what you want to do. If you find out wrong, or don't have the confidence to fulfill what you want to do, then you are going to be stuck doing something you dont want to do and be unhappy. It also allows you to live where you want to live. Whether it be a city or a town in a pretty place or an ugly place. But the important part is to choose correctly what you want to do and where you want to be. The question to answer this is "who are you?"
Two was about senses. We have five senses. Smell, taste, feel, hearing, and sight. I think i've been under utilizing hearing. Whenever i would walk into a forest, i would trample through it, breaking twigs and pushing bushes out of my way. And then i would stop. And listen. And i would hear. There are birds in the sky, in the trees, on the ground. There are rodents under the bushes and in their holes. There is wind coming from the southeast telling me of a storm coming(which it did and it snowed). I would hear water flowing from the snake and water trinkling from the northern streams. I would close my eyes and listen... and it was beautiful.
Well as of now, i only have one person "following" this blog, but hopefully i am getting other readers and if you are reading this, then i dare you to try it. Stop doing what you are doing sometime random through your day and close your eyes and listen. What do you hear? what do your ears tell you? If you listen closely enough, you can learn more from hearing than seeing.
These are only some of my thoughts on humans and society.
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